‘Always Thinking’

Hi, I’m Brian, author of ‘odd ys e. First time published – just thrilled with the end result seeing it in actual print. The reason I’m here; the nice people of Austin Macauley Publishers have set up this blog page – thought I might be able to discuss different aspects of ‘odd ys e’ in relation to the context of the book. For example – allow me to expand further on the title ‘odd ys e’ and what it actually means. The title ‘odd ys e’ is written in gann text, similar in appearance to that of English, but some of the letters of our alphabet are pronounced different. Not quite sure how that happened, considering the English language was learnt from gann. Perhaps it had something to do with how Human interpreted our form of text in relation to their primitive way of visual communication all those years ago. Anyway – in gann language, ‘odd ys e’ is pronounced ‘ann iss e’. Furthermore, the title ‘odd ys e’ is not just a collection of words and letters – it is actually a phrase; ‘odd’ means ‘a new beginning’; ‘ys’ was gann word for ‘space’, and the letter ‘e’ was typically a notation that stood for – ‘time’. Another simple example of a gann phrase is the word ‘gann’ itself, which translates as, ‘child of gannr’ (our home planet). Don’t know if any of this is useful, but might allow one – a better understanding? I’m interested in hearing from those that read ‘odd ys e’, or in fact this or any future blog, who may wish to comment or ask questions. One can do that by emailing their comment or question to: briankynn3465@gmail.com

I thank you for your time.


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